A Note on Purpose I once her to pastor say: "Your purpose in life is where your greatest gladness intersects with the needs of the world" Step one: Find out what makes you happy. Step two: Find some place in the world that needs that. Step 3: STOP Nostrpunk Nov 8, 2024, 4:35 PM
my number one suggestion to anyone who's reading this note would be to avoid becoming a wage slave and renting surf at all costs. I would rather go camping than work for the fucking man. Invest in yourself. Save in Bitcoin. Buy dirt.… Nostrpunk Nov 8, 2024, 4:30 PM
This sounds like the Hitler youth all over again. Accept instead of socialism it appears they're going full communist this time. -service/ https://yakihonne.com/smart-widget-checker?naddr=naddr1qqgrjvpcxqmryefnxuer2e3excmnvq3qne57gg8xphmfek292yyg9nlyfkgh273vtrguy8qz0fuh05frvrpqxpqqqp65776qtuw… Nostrpunk Nov 8, 2024, 1:50 PM
Social media ban in Australia for children under 16. The burden is said to be put on social media companies and not the parents. They're not ready for nostr.… Nostrpunk Nov 8, 2024, 1:44 PM
Yakihonne take some getting used to after so much time on amethyst but I really believe this is a contender. Gif button is dope. Long notes are dope. Widgets are neat but they don't seem to work anywhere else yet? Or maybe I'm just not using Nostrpunk Nov 8, 2024, 1:13 PM
We need more bannable things on nostr. Cheetah-9 Hybrid SMG Download link… Nostrpunk Nov 8, 2024, 4:14 AM